Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Neil Kane

I had a Fitbit Flex. I don’t any more. To track my progress while walking, I had to constantly sync to my smartphone to monitor my steps in real time. The syncing didn’t work very well, and there was no way to have the display on the phone persistently show my progress. Every few minutes if I wanted to see how many steps I had taken, I had to sync. At least the Fitbit did the syncing wirelessly over Bluetooth, unlike the Jawbone UP which requires you to physically plug the bracelet into your phone. Though Fitbit and Jawbone have their fans, I thought it was a royal pain to use. It was another device to manage and charge…not to mention the $100 expense.


To read the original article: My Smartphone Ate My Fitbit