Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


'When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!' This time-tested soliloquy is not without merit. In fact, it is more popular then ever these days as life seems to be distributing more lemons than anything else. As a result, this simple, positive affirmation is often utilized to remind ourselves (or others) that it is indeed possible to make the best of a bad situation. Unfortunately, like all of these old adages, the lemon to lemonade analogy is far too simplistic to be taken at face value. Yes, it is possible to make lemonade from lemons but you'll need water and sugar in order to actually do it right. Much in the same vein, you need the proper ingredients in today's economic world in order to digest the news properly. Discovering and appreciating the fundamental that is surplus productivity, consequently, is the sugar and water to the economic lemons that get tossed your way. Here are a few guidelines to help see what we mean.


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