Take a quick look at this picture:

New research suggests that the ease with which you are able to flip between the picture of a rabbit and a duck is related to whether you are a creative thinker.
In the first of two studies, I asked over 600 people to rate how easy they found it to flip between the two animals and then they were asked to rate their creativity. 79% of people who said that they were creative reported being able to easily flip between the two animals, compared to just 3% of those who struggled to see the two animals. A second study examined people’s actual creative thinking. A hundred people were asked to rate how easily they found it to flip between the two animals, and were then given a standard creativity test in which they had to come up with as many unusual uses as possible for a brick and a paperclip. Those who could easily see both the rabbit and duck produced double the number of ideas compared to those who said they found such flipping problematic.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Ten top tips to boost creativity « 59 Seconds
Author: Richard Wiseman