Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


When a new job title is created and introduced to an organisation, the immediate response is typically a combination of apprehension, confusion and sometimes rejection. It’s not unusual for people to scrutinise the role, question the business need and worry about how it will affect them.

Riding on the coat tails of the Big Data phenomenon, the roles of data scientist and Chief Data Officer (CDO) are two job titles that have started to crop up in businesses, both large and small. In fact, Gartner estimates over 100 Chief Data Officers are serving in large enterprises, which is more than double the number it calculated in 2012. This increase may not come as a surprise, but let’s take a step back and explore exactly why these roles are being created, what they do and how they are affecting the way organisations run their businesses.
