We've been having, let's say, some "interesting" interactions with folks, when we asked them to talk about their innovative experiences with finance and accounting BPO.
What's been a tad disturbing, is how many have tried to pass up any mild form of progress as "innovation". Our lieutenant entrusted with plowing through these case studies is Bruce McCracken, who shares some of his recent experiences with us, when trying to explain what innovation actually entails. Over to you Dr Bruce...
Ask six people what represents innovation and you will get half a dozen answers. Three people discussing innovation will consist of a couple of people talking about two different things while the eyes of the third glaze over. Innovation is a term that epitomizes the semantic differential. But regardless of how it is interpreted, it is a very important element for potential buyers of BPO services.
Innovation is the cornerstone of our forthcoming report, “Reaching New Performance Thresholds with Managed Finance Services: Real-world Experiences”. As we progress, our contacts with providers have shown considerable variance in the perceptions of what innovation entails.
To read the full, original article click on this link: How do you really define innovation?
Author: Bruce McCracken