Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


I knew that I was going into my family’s business when I started at Wharton.  My goal was to learn as much as possible so that I could bring new ideas and methods to my family’s 50 year old gourmet grocery business.  I was able to immerse myself in school and extracurriculars since I didn’t have to deal with those pesky interviews.  I loved volunteering with the tax assistance program and the business plan competition and Rebuilding Together.  I took all types of classes – finance, entrepreneurship, human capital, operations, marketing, even real estate.  Going to business school opened my eyes to all of the possible career paths ahead of me that I was “giving up” to go into the family business.  When I graduated, I thought I would professionalize the business, make it saleable, and move on.
