Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

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The SoPE Foundation has started a crowdfunding* campaign -Getting Ideas to Patients-to raise $250,000 by the end of 2014 for educational programs and events. The SoPE Foundation is the sole funder for these activities, such as the Blakely Visiting Lectureship Series named posthumously for one of our co-founders, and support for biomedical and health innovators applying for the Innovation Scholars Program.

SoPE's operates on a low-cost membership model to encourage enrollment. With your financial contribution, we will have the funding to do what we set out to do. Every little bit helps, and every larger bit moves us closer to our goal.

Three Reasons to Donate:

  • Support your efforts and ambitions and those like you (those physicians and other medical professionals on the front lines of delivering healthcare who need support in realizing their ideas, inventions and innovations).
  • Raise your hand and your heart for a cause you believe in that will improve healthcare and, perhaps, save lives.
  • Become a SoPE crowdfunding leader. You and your company will be recognized in the 2014 Annual Report as a founding contributor. We'll give you bragging rights.

It is simple to participate:

  • Go to our crowdfunding site at to view the campaign and donate.Go to the SoPE website and donate.
  • Tell your friends, family and colleagues about the campaign, our need and how they can support us support you and patients across the globe.

*A crowdfunding campaign raises monetary contributions from a large number of people via the Internet.

** Donations to the foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity, are necessary for the organization to move forward.

Donations are tax deductible and will go directly to education and events.