Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The movie theatre business offers insights as to how firms can find new opportunities for turning around dying businesses by understanding consumers and their needs better.

For movie theatres in the U.S. and West­ern Europe, view­er­ship peaked in the late 1940s and has since slid by 80 percent or more, depend­ing on the mar­ket. Tele­vi­sion made the ini­tial dent, fol­lowed by home videos, and most recently the likes of Net­flix and Ama­zon Prime. A com­mon thread that ties all the com­pe­ti­tion together is the tele­vi­sion set. Given this, movie theatres have recently built on their offer­ing to give movie view­ers an expe­ri­ence that can­not be repli­cated on TV at home.