Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Welcome to our April Update on what’s new at Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal. In this update …

1. PLEASE JOIN US! May 11th, 2010 for our SPRING EDITION Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal LAUNCH at The Union League of Philadelphia, 140 South Broad St., Philadelphia, from 4-7 PM
2. GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED by the most well-known expert on innovations!
3. YOU’RE INVITED: An Education Forum facilitated by authors Clayton Christensen and Michael B. Horn on "What Our Education System Will Look Like When Transformation Is Complete"…join us for this exciting event at The Union League of Philadelphia, 140 South Broad St., Philadelphia, from 10 AM - 4 PM!
4. NEW BLOGS on socially relevant business trends and seniors in healthcare!
5. SNEAK A PEEK at the upcoming spring edition of the Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal
7. NEW Op-Ed from co-founders Tine Hansen-Turton and Nicholas Torres: “Back to the Basics and Good Ideas; Let the Spirit of Innovation Prevail”
8. How to GET INVOLVED …

To read the full, original article click on this link: Philadelphia Social Innovations Journal | Update