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Cincinnati.ComYes on Issue 1 will bring jobs, grow economy - By David Hodge

Everyone wants to see more jobs and strong economic development in Ohio. But rarely do we, as individuals, get the chance to actually do something about these big issues. On May 4, all Ohioans have one of those rare opportunities to make a real difference by voting on Issue 1.

Third frontier a ticking timebomb of debt - By David W. Johnson

A $500 million ticking time bomb of debt may well balloon by an additional $700 million if the voters of Ohio are duped into approving Issue 1 on the May 4 ballot. This issue would extend the Ohio Third Frontier program, which has already spent almost $1 billion supposedly transforming the "intellectual property" of Ohio's universities into new high-tech ventures at corporations in Ohio - and at some outside of Ohio.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Two views: The Third Frontier | | Cincinnati.Com

Author: David Hodge and David W. Johnson