Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The Angel Capital Association, led by executive director Marianne Hudson, has launched a campaign to head off increased net worth standards for investors allowed to back startups.

Like Michael Jordan and Babe Ruth, super angels are the best of the best, the superstars who set the standards for others.

Of the hundreds of thousands of angel investors in the United States, a few hundred are super angels – angel investors who have several hundred thousand or often millions of dollars to invest per year. While many are concentrated in Silicon Valley, they are located in many parts of the country. Most have built their own well-known companies and made amazing investments, which is typically where their investment capital comes from. Because of their success and who they know (other extremely successful entrepreneurs and investors) – they are able to attract great deal flow and have direct access to top management talent, strategic partners, other investors and potential acquirers.