In-car apps have been a bit of a buzzword for some time, but Ford is in pedal-to-the-metal mode since launching its Sync technology last month. The system allows for all sorts of four-wheel fun and japes, including voice control. The next step: cloud-based apps. Six teams of students from the "Cloud Computing in the Commute" program at the University of Michigan have each developed an app as part of a contest run by Ford's Research and Advanced Engineering program.
The winner, Caravan Track, was designed for friends undertaking the same journey at the same time--Spring Break ahoy! After setting a route via the Web, drivers can share vehicle telemetry like fuel level and speed, keep an eye on their fellow drivers, and send notifications about road conditions and hazards via a multiple-choice interface (no need for a keyboard or typing).
To read the full, original article click on this link: Ford Syncs With U of M Students for Cloud-Connected Car Apps | Fast Company
Author: Addy Dugdale