Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

ASU researcher Charlie Arntzen has focused on plant-based vaccine delivery systems; Arntzen recently has used tobacco as a way to make and deliver a promising vaccine for the Ebola virus.

Arizona State University with inventions licensed to existing companies or to form new startups will be entitled to a larger share of the proceeds under a new university policy developed by the Intellectual Property and Institutional Review Committee and approved by President Michael Crow.

Under the previous policy, net licensing proceeds (after administrative and legal fees) were split equally between the inventor(s), their lab(s) and the university. Effective as of Nov. 1, the “lab share” will be reduced so that a greater percentage of royalties flow directly to inventors

Image: ASU researcher Charlie Arntzen has focused on plant-based vaccine delivery systems; Arntzen recently has used tobacco as a way to make and deliver a promising vaccine for the Ebola virus.