The University
of North Carolina isn't the only institution to develop a
standardized approach to license technology developed on campus.
According to Lee Taylor, technology licensing associate at the University
of Hawaii in Honolulu, his institution implemented a form license
at the beginning of the academic year, in September 2009.
Called the "Mahele Method" (Mahele referring to a major land division that took place in the 19th century in Hawaii), the patent licensing structure derived from the realization "that there is no need to start building from the ground up every time," Taylor said. "Also, we are an understaffed office, like 95 percent of [technology transfer offices], so it did not seem worthwhile to dedicate resources to this endeavor."
Taylor explained that the university has kept news about its technology transfer approach quiet, "because we did not want to have cherry picking occur."
To read the full, original article click on this link: U Hawaii Technology Transfer Office Develops Standard License -- Campus Technology
Author: Dian Schaffhauser