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bloggers_report_q2_10The nation's leading economics bloggers have a more balanced outlook than last quarter, according to a new Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation survey released today. Anticipating positive movement in the gross domestic product and other key indicators, 59 percent of economics bloggers who responded to the second Kauffman Economic Outlook: A Quarterly Survey of Leading Economics Bloggers described the economy's overall condition as "mixed," with the rest evenly split between positive and negative assessments.

The Outlook report also features questions from five economics bloggers on issues ranging from the long-range U.S. budget outlook to the future viability of China's economy. Respondents answered questions posed by Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution; Ken Houghton, Angry Bear; Arnold Kling, EconLog; Mark Perry, Carpe Diem; and Mark Thoma, Economist's View.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Kauffman Foundation

Author: Kauffman