I know I was complaining about this earlier this year but I have to
say that April was really quiet, as far as small business
research goes.
The good news is that there are some real gems among the few releases we had.
Entrepreneurial Geography
In light of the frequently repeated jobs-jobs-jobs mantra, a policy brief out of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government answering the question “What Makes A City Entrepreneurial?” was both timely and intriguing.
On the surface, the answer to that question is fairly intuitive — although I’ll put it differently than the good researchers at Harvard did. The easier and cheaper it is to start and run a business, and the more room there is in the local or regional economy (less dominated by large companies that crowd out the smaller ones), the more independent small businesses there are.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Research Round Up: Where The Jobs Are | Small Business Trends
Author: Dawn Rivers Baker