Because of harsh winters and long nights, among other factors, Scandinavia leads the world in per-capita cups; the greatest addicts, by a large margin, are the Finns. Traditionally, cold countries have been the thirstiest importers, while the tropical exporters haven’t been nearly as enamored of their own product. That’s changing. Brazil, the largest coffee producer, is on track to surpass the U.S. as the world’s greatest aggregate coffee consumer in the next few years. Helping the cause, the Brazilian government has started to include café com leite—coffee with milk—in school meals for kids aged 5 and up.
2. Norway: 322.6
3. Denmark: 180.6
4. Germany: 145.9
5. Slovakia: 144.6
6. Czech Republic: 142.8
7. Sweden: 139
8. United: Kingdom: 134.7
9. Canada: 125.6
10. Greece: 116.2
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