Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Ramin Marzbani: some of the start-up fees charged by accelerators ‘just don’t make sense’.  Photo: Brett Hemmings

Technology start-ups are being warned to tread carefully when signing away equity in their fledgling businesses to so-called accelerator and incubator firms, which promise to help them strike the big leagues. The emergence of a glut of new companies, which position themselves as experts in building new businesses, providing office space and other services, has been identified by leading figures as an example showing that the local tech scene is reminiscent of the dotcom bust at the start of the decade.

Image: Ramin Marzbani: some of the start-up fees charged by accelerators ‘just don’t make sense’.  Photo: Brett Hemmings