Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Coming up with a technological breakthrough is a feather in a university researcher's cap.

But taking that brilliant notion, and forming a profitable business, involves another degree of difficulty. So professors and other researchers who want to turn their intellectual gifts into gold will probably need a little help along the way.

"It takes more than a great idea," said Paul Riser Jr., managing director of technology-based entrepreneurship for Detroit business incubator TechTown. "Professors sometimes are great technologists or great engineers and sometimes they don't have the know-how, from a business perspective."

Image: JOHN SOBCZAK A good idea isn't the only thing that is needed to create a business from a university research project, it's know-how that's needed as well, said Paul Riser Jr., managing director of technology-based entrepreneurship for Detroit business incubator TechTown.