Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Q: How would you describe entrepreneurial spirit in Stamford on the doorstep of 2015?

A: In 2012, it was very hard to find entrepreneurial spirit in the city of Stamford. People were doing stuff -- there were companies that were doing creative stuff -- but it was very much in the shadows. We've had dozens of companies come through this building. We've been very fortunate that we got some money from the state, and we've had great (support) from big companies and some services firms. That has really helped us to move this forward, but I don't think there is anywhere near enough money focused on this community at the early stages. ...

Image: Two years after the launch of the Stamford Innovation Center, managing partner Barry Schwimmer reflects on how deeply the entrepreneurial spirit has rooted in Stamford âÄì and how much deeper it could go.Photo: Alexander Soule