Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Dan S. Kennedy

The worst number in business is one. One of just about anything is a bad thing.

In my home office, where I work under deadline pressure as an advertising copywriter, I do not have one Mac. I have three. Why? So when Mac No. 1 freezes up, crashes or requires an exorcism, I can move what I’m working on and urgently need to print out before the day’s FedEx deadline to Mac No. 2. And in case Mac No. 2 has indigestion or leprosy that day, I have Mac No. 3. I keep them in different rooms to prevent contagion. My Mac is my employee. If Mac were a living, breathing human employee who, say, printed what I wrote in booklets on a printing press, I’d want at least two of those Macs and two printing presses. Never one.