Coca-Cola is about to light the rocket beneath a project that may,
with luck, slightly reinvent the brand for the 21st Century: It's ready
to take its amazing Freestyle drinks makers mainstream, with 104
user-controlled flavors.
We've mentioned the Coke Freestyle device several times before--it's hard not to as it's so innovative, and involves cooperation from some seriously big names in design (Pininfarina and Dean Kamen to name but two.) The device is essentially a ground-up reinvention of the decades-old free-standing drinks dispenser, with its crates of flavor syrup, chilling equipment and water supply, ready to spew out two or three varieties of cold carbonated drinks. Unlike these old systems, which have more in common with the kind of complex plumbing you'd expect aboard a 1940's submarine, Freestyle's electronic systems have a design that may have fitted aboard Captain Picard's USS Enterprise, right down to the colorful touchscreen interface. Inside it has a flavor-dispensing system inspired by medical use of inkjet technology, with huge dexterity in adding flavors to the outgoing drinks, and even no need for taste-diluting ice as it can super-chill the beverage before delivery if that's how you want it.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Coke's Freestyle Machines Ready to Rock Tongues With 104 Flavors | Fast Company
Author: Kit Eaton