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Officials with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) today signed an agreement with the Pennsylvania Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority to help commercialize technologies and bring world-class research opportunities to Pennsylvania.

The five-year Partnership Intermediary Agreement was signed by ARS Administrator Edward B. Knipling and Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary George Cornelius at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pa. "This increases the access of Pennsylvania companies and researchers to the technology and world-class research capabilities in ARS' more than 100 research labs across the country," said Knipling.

"This agreement will strengthen ARS' partnerships with Pennsylvania's colleges, universities and small businesses to promote research, product development, commercialization and economic development for Pennsylvania companies."

"I am a strong proponent of technology-based economic development because I know that up-and-coming technology companies, entrepreneurs and researchers are critical to Pennsylvania's future," Cornelius said. "This agreement will expand Pennsylvania's research and intellectual property base, and represents an important next step in our technology-based economic development agenda."

To read the full, original article click on this link: USDA - ARS Enters Tech Transfer Partnership with Pennsylvania Economic Development Group

Author: Sandy Miller Hays