The population of the Earth is now consuming 1.3
times its available resources, Will Day, the CEO of the UK’s
Sustainable Development Commission and an advisor to the UN warned
Ireland's business leaders today, but out of the chaos come
opportunities, reports John Kennedy.
Speaking at the Green Economy Business & Leadership Briefing in Dublin this morning, Day (pictured) said that sustainability is the single biggest business opportunity of the 21st century. Everything from the carbon challenge, global warming, food supply and security suggests the world is at a serious tipping point. But on the other hand, in all of these challenges, Day said, there are opportunities.
"Human society is part of the bioshphere and we forget that. The economy is a subset of human society, so in theory we're in charge of this thing - though the last two years have convinced me we're not."
To read the full, original article click on this link: Sustainability is biggest business opportunity of 21st century
Author: Business and Leadership