WHAT HAS HAPPENED:The full U.S. House of Representatives is likely to vote on reauthorization of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 as early as next Wednesday, May 13. ASTRA believes that bipartisan support for this vital legislation is important and most timely, given the nation's economic woes.
The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 is a bill that lays the basis for sustained funding increases in our nation's often neglected science, engineering and technology resources for three key agencies: the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Science, and the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST).
ASTRA has supported efforts like the COMPETES Act for a decade. Finally, the benefits of adequate federal R&D investments in our science and engineering ecosystems are being recognized across the political spectrum.
Republicans, Democrats and Independents in Congress have all voted for legislation like COMPETES in the past. That's because they realize that job creation, global competitiveness, innovation, STEM education, national security and other issues directly relate back to our country's federal R&D investments.
Now, more than ever, our R&D investments are needed to keep up with aggressive overseas competitors - whether they be governments or private entities determined to either widen their leads, or overcome the current position of U.S.-based industry, small businesses, academic institutions, and workers...
Please review our ASTRA's extensive materials on these topics. They provide fact-based reasons to support this widely-held and nonpartisan view. See: www.usinnovation.org and www.aboutastra.org
For specific details about what the COMPETES bill would do for the nation's science, engineering and technology infrastructure and workforce, see http://www.usinnovation.org/files/UpdateAmerica%20COMPETESforCVD2010.pdf
1 - Decide if you yourself support this legislation. You may decide to do so after reviewing the extensive information provided by the U.S. House at http://www.usinnovation.org/files/AmericaCOMPETESReauthorizationActof2010-HR5116asreported.pdf
2 - ASTRA urges you to contact your own Member of the U.S. House and make your opinion known. One easy way is for you to send an E-mail or simply telephone your Representative's office. Use the handy Web tool provided by the U.S. House Clerk's Office found below. Follow the instructions provided by the link, and you will be connected to your Representative's office:
3 - ASTRA urges you to tell your Representative in the U.S. House to maintain our country's long-standing bipartisan support for science and engineering R&D funding. It's a matter of highest national priority.
4 - Please emphasize that Now is the time to increase our R&D investments in our nation's future. These investments are a sure way to grow our economy and insure our national security. They are the basis of U.S. economic, intellectual, and military power.
5 - Also consider downloading the handy ASTRA State R&D Sheets and State STEM Ed Report Cards for use by your elected officials. It's easy to download the latest "metrics" of your own state's relative progress in building the 21st Century economy. Once you download the PDF files, just send them on to interested officials and other individuals who need to have this information. See: http://www.usinnovation.org/state/state_rd_list.asp
This message has been sent to approximately 45,000 scientists, engineers, researchers, university employees, students, technology workers, policy makers, small business owners, researchers, individuals, and others on our "Friends" list. An estimated 175,000 people will be contacted by this message, and we urge you to send it on to any associations or professional societies to which you belong, as well as friends, associates and family who may share our interest in passing this critically important legislative measure in Congress ...
Thank you!
This e-mail was sent by ASTRA, located at 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (USA). To receive no further e-mails, please click here or reply to this e-mail with "unlist" in the Subject line.