Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


I went to Marshalls several weeks ago and found this shirt that read, “When Nothing Goes Right Go Left.”  I chuckled at the sentence, but yet in its simplicity it was so profound.   2014 was a year of ebbs and flows, disappointments, hope restored and then lost, rejections and not as a great of year as I would’ve liked for my business.

I found my confidence tested in the midst of a challenging job market.  If I had a dollar for every recruiter or hiring manager who used the same line over and over again, “you were a great candidate, but….” and you can fill in the blank.  There were days when I was motivated to push through what seemed like an endless series of closed doors and there were other days where I just went through the motions, feeling like a failure in my professional life.
