Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Tom Harrold is a member in the international law firm of Miller & Martin in Atlanta, part of the World Law Group.

It’s no surprise that today more U.S. companies are looking for capital through a public offering. What may be surprising is that many of those companies are finding that capital in London.  

The London Stock Exchange in 1995 established the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), a unique way for emerging growth companies throughout the world to access growth capital with a public offering. Since London is now a virtual magnet for money and has the deepest pool of international capital looking for a good investment, AIM provides a fast-growing U.S. company with an ideal situation— wholesale, institutional investors with mountains of cash who are not happy with a one-third of 1 percent interest rate on money-market accounts.  

Image: Tom Harrold is a member in the international law firm of Miller & Martin in Atlanta, part of the World Law Group.