In 1968 Andy Warhol famously said, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." And every day it seems like he’s a little bit more on target.
We would more likely say that everyone is given the stage and a microphone, but what will you do to make sure people tune in for a full 15 minutes…or more?
If you were to tell anyone in 1968 that by 2010 we would all be carrying around pocket-sized telephones, with built in movie cameras that would allow us to click a few buttons and show the world our “masterpieces” they would look at you like you came from…well, the future.
Ok, so it’s a bit melodramatic, but we do have the power to create masterpieces and movies-- all in our pockets. The problem is, even though we have the greatest network in history at our fingertips—how can we get people to pay attention? How can you stand out in all the noise that’s being generated every second?
To read the full, original article click on this link: Your "15 Minutes," That Comes Standard...Can You Extend Your Time in the Spotlight? | Fast Company
Author: Nick Nanton & JW Dicks