Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Francesca Bria

This report coordinated by Nesta and commissioned by the European Commission, DG CONNECT is the first systematic network analysis of the emerging digital social innovation (DSI) ecosystem in Europe. 

Key Findings

  • The report identifies more than 1,000 rising examples of digital social innovation organisations across Europe, and the hidden links among them. 
  • Social innovation in Europe is currently done by a few large organisations alongside a large mass of smaller organisations, but the majority of social innovators in Europe are disconnected from the bigger networks 
  • The largest and more interconnected community is focused around open hardware and open networks, and there is a large focus on awareness networks and new ways of making. 
  • The open knowledge cluster is the second largest, with a focus on collaborative economy. 
  • THe third largest network is grouped around Nesta and is focussed on funding, acceleration and open democracy. Other communities, such as those grouped around open data are developing connected communities.