Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


When Scott Vanderbeck started Organic Research Corp., he was focusing on developing technology that would teach computers to identify fatty liver disease from liver biopsies more efficiently and accurately than doctors could.

Now, he's finding there's application in the technology for a whole lot more.

"We learned there's a lot of people who would use the same technology but don't necessarily look at livers," Vanderbeck said. "The goal is absolutely to go bigger."

Vanderbeck's work, developed at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and funded in part by a UW Extension seed fund, illustrates a growing push in Wisconsin's education system to develop a research-based technology economy in the Milwaukee area.

Image: Scott Vanderbeck’s Milwaukee-based start-up, Organic Research Corp., received funding from UW Extension’s Ideadvance Seed Fund - Michael Sears