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imageHallie Satz is a veteran of the commercial printing business. She ran a family-owned printing company, and even after it was sold to a demanding investor group, continued to lead it for seven years. "A lot of people encouraged me to start my own company. I was a good manager, got good sales, but I was scared," she recalls.

Luckily for Satz, 51, the self-doubt didn't last. A competitor wanted to hire her; she told him that what she really wanted was $1.5 million to start her own operation. Today she is the owner of HighRoad Press, a six-year-old printing company in New York's Soho, with sales of $11.5 million last year.

Satz's success is highly unusual among women. Although women own 50% of U.S. businesses, men establish companies at a higher rate, and with eight times more funding, says Candida Brush, a professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How To Get Startup Capital For Your Business -

Author: Heidi Brown