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Founded by Rich Bendis


AUSTIN, Texas — Imagine a world in which you call up a plane on your smartphone as easily as you can summon cars from Uber and Lyft. Then take it to the next level: The plane has no pilot, completely controlled by automatic algorithms.

That's the dream of Juraj Vaculik, CEO of AeroMobil, which unveiled its prototype flying car last year. The company has an aggressive launch date of 2017 for that vehicle, which Vaculik describes as a "Ferrari with wings." But during a keynote at South by Southwest Interactive, Vaculik announced AeroMobil's plan for the next generation of these vehicles: self-flying cars.

Image: AeroMobil plans to have its first flying car on the market by 2017, and for its next generation vehicle it's planning a self-flying car. - Airmobil