Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The complaints probably sound familiar to many on the D.C. tech scene: As far as the region goes, there's not enough local venture capital, there's not enough talent, there aren't enough big technology companies. Things are getting better, sure, but there's just not enough. Steve Case, who begins part three of his Rise of the Rest tour in May, more or less agrees with these sentiments. If Silicon Valley is the standard, the Greater Washington still has a ways to climb — in terms of seed-stage, venture-stage and growth-stage capital, the area could use quite a bit more, he told me Monday. There's also still a need for big, innovative companies to anchor the local ecosystem.

Image: JOANNE S.L AWTON "It just takes time, but the dynamics, the macro factors all play into the hands of D.C. more than most areas," says Steve Case of the region's potential to tap into the so-called third wave of the Internet.