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Founded by Rich Bendis

The China Tech Letter is a service of RedTech, a Shanghai-based advisory firm specializing in China’s ConsumerTech, CleanTech and MedTech sectors. It provides research, strategy and investment services to institutional investors and multinational companies, helping them make sense of local technology trends, companies, consumers and government IT policy in Asia's most dynamic market. Click here to download a pdf of RedTech's Company & Services Overview.

In The China Tech Letter this week:

  • China Mobile brings interactivity to fledgling mobile TV service
  • China UnionPay establishes mobile payment industrial alliance
  • Suicides at EMS giant Foxconn ramping up, latest is attempt # 10
  • Drop in ‘gadgets to farmers’ a seasonal blip, says MOC
  • Baidu Map teams with Big Brother to choke off Google Maps
  • Taozilla putting the squeeze on small, defenseless store owners
  • China’s most notorious hacker lands a job at Giant Interactive
  • New copyright association targets Net cafes for video royalties
  • Kaixin hits 80mn users, opens up to third-party developers
  • China Telecom spins up fiber network for home users in 13 citie

To read The Letter, click on this pdf link or surf to and look for The China Tech Letter tab at the top of the page.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The China Tech Letter, May 21, 2010 |

Author: The Next Silicon Valley