As predicted was inevitable, today the Spanish
newspaper La Gaceta runs with a full-page article fessing up
to the truth about Spain’s “green jobs” boondoggle, which happens to be
the one naively cited by President Obama no less than eight times as
his model for the United States. It is now out there as a bust, a
costly disaster that has come undone in Spain to the point that even
the Socialists admit it, with the media now in full pursuit.
Breaking the Spanish government’s admission here at Pajamas Media probably didn’t hurt their interest in finally reporting on the leaked admission. Obama’s obvious hope of rushing into place his “fundamental transformation” of America into something more like Europe’s social democracies — where even the most basic freedoms have been moved from individuals and families to the state — before the house of cards collapsed has suffered what we can only hope proves to be its fatal blow. At least on this front.
La Gaceta boldly exposes the failure of the Spanish renewable policy and how Obama has been following it. The headline screams: “Spain admits that the green economy as sold to Obama is a disaster.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Pajamas Media » Leaked Spanish Report: Obama’s Model ‘Green Economy’ a Disaster (PJM Exclusive)
Author: Christopher Horner