Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


In case you missed it the next salvo in the social media revolution is underway. The release of two live video streaming apps within weeks of each other, Meerkat and Periscope, have my attention and should have yours too. Think about it, now everyone with an iPhone (soon any smart phone) can broadcast and receive live video anywhere, any time. We now have the capacity to share, not just tidbits from our experiences on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but to stream our actual experiences live in real time. We can now experience together. So what, you ask? Well just like with any new human capability, the most important and valuable uses are never what you think they are initially. The real impact and value of new capabilities always emerge over time and in surprising and serendipitous ways. Don’t fall into the same trap, so many have, by dismissing social media saying, who cares what someone has for dinner! Don’t throw the signal out with the noise. My instinct tells me that democratized live streaming is a big deal.
