Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

David Sable

Dedicated to the notion that knowledge often comes when you’re studying something else, I offer up the following pre-enterpreneur (incidentally also the pre Columbia University Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology course) reading (or listening or watching) list.

Joe Hyams: Zen in the Martial Arts. Focus. Calm. Wisdom. How to learn. I have given this book to so many people over the years I have lost count. Available used on Amazon for 2 cents. Barry Targan’s 1975 short story “Harry Belten and the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto.” Google it. Not only the best short story I have ever read but a great illustration of the heart of entrepreneurship: how to handle being right when everyone else is wrong. Read and enjoy.