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Natalie Battaglia
Samuel Attoh, dean of the Graduate School at Loyola U. Chicago, created dissertation boot camps for Ph.D. candidates and set aside grant funds specifically for students who are close to completing their degrees but who are running out of money.

Earning a Ph.D. in a STEM field is meant to be challenging, but data has shown it can be especially so for minority students. While universities have had some success in diversifying their STEM graduate ranks in recent years, completion rates for Ph.D. candidates who are African-American, Latino, Native American, or Alaska Native have lagged behind those of their white, Asian-American, and foreign counterparts.

Image: Natalie Battaglia -Samuel Attoh, dean of the Graduate School at Loyola U. Chicago, created dissertation boot camps for Ph.D. candidates and set aside grant funds specifically for students who are close to completing their degrees but who are running out of money.