Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

TNewImagehe iPhone in your pocket has more computing power than the Voyager spacecraft that left the solar system two years ago. High-tech cancer drugs are being approved every month. A few years into the future, Google’s Calico project promises to extend our life span.

It’s easy, indeed, to be excited about the scientific and technological prowess of American companies.

Apple, Procter & Gamble, 3M — American businesses dominate the list of the most innovative companies in the world. And new companies trumpeting new products, financed by dynamic venture capital operations, continue to emerge from Silicon Valley, the Boston region, New York, Northern Virginia and elsewhere.

Image: Charles A. Haas, an engineer, inspects a model of the Telstar experimental communications satellite at the Bell Telephone Company lab in 1962.  - Associated Press