Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


As the sun rose over an ash-pale stretch of Arizona desert sprinkled with saguaro cacti—a Western scene straight out of Central Casting—25 millennials emerged from bunks on refurbished 1950s Pullmans, grabbed coffee, and began to work.

This is the third voyage of the Millennial Trains Project (MTP), the brainchild of Patrick Reilly Dowd, 27. The train offers the millennial innovators on board 10 days of fellowship, mentoring, and project development as it trundles toward the final destination: Washington, D.C. The train will also make stops in San Antonio, Austin, New Orleans, and Atlanta. In each city, the participants have arranged meetings, meetups, interviews, pop-ups, and other engagements to help out test their various ideas for transforming society.
