Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It is easy to see the attraction of being an entrepreneur for Will Drevno, co-founder and chief operating officer at 3D printing business Twindom. The company’s office space, in a back street of Emeryville, close to Pixar’s animation studio and across the bay from San Francisco, looks part student dorm, part laboratory. Dotted amid the sofas, laptops and games consoles are miniature, strikingly realistic models of people that are the core product of the business. Across the room a team of coders tap away at their laptops, and beyond them is a makeshift booth built by Mr Drevno and his team that can make a full body scan of Twindom’s customers for production on a custom-built set of 3D printers.

Image: 3D printed figures produced by Twindom