Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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Ellen Brandt

The last couple of blogs in this series (see Boomers Versus Gallup and Boomer Myths and Misperceptions) may have been perceived as "downers," as we talked about some of the ways pollsters, economists, politicians, and our too-concentrated "mainstream media" have been getting the Baby Boomer generation absolutely wrong - sometimes on purpose.

They've tried to advance political or cultural agendas that seek to push the "Gray Population" off center stage - in the U.S., Europe, Japan, the rest of the Developed World, and China - at the exact moment in history when people over age 50 constitute fully 2 in 5 citizens - and consumers - and voters - in these countries, a statistic that may rise to close to 1 in 2 of their citizens within the next few years.