Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


My last blog, Consider Rightly, is about responding to random events by turning them into adventures.. Adventures take you places your never expected, or wanted, to go. They lead you to people you never expected to meet, connections you never thought you would make. Adventures push you to re-examine your beliefs. Adventures lead to subversive ideas. But adventures can be disruptive to your orderly world. They can be risky. And risk? Risk is frightening.

Risk is frightening because you put yourself in situations beyond your control. During the Ebola crisis I needed to go to Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire, countries sharing borders with Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia…the epicenters of the disease. What should I do, I asked myself, take the risk and help build food security for the countries and economic development for the poorest farmers or sit home just in case Ebola spread?