Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

SBIR Gateway

There are a number of items I want to discuss with you but tonight there is only time for a few very time sensitive items that may be of interest to you.  Item #1 is the DoD SBIR submission site because Tuesday is your last full day to submit for the DoD 15.2 SBIR and 15.B STTR, (submission closes Wednesday June 24, at 6:00am edt).  Item # 2 is all important patent legislation which is supposed to be voted on this week in the House (H.R. 9 "Innovation Act") and the Senate's version (S. 1137 "Protecting American Talent and Entrepreneurship" (PATENT) Act).  Both of these items have the potential for causing small businesses plenty of grief.   

At last week's National SBIR Conference many of you kind readers reached out to me and requested more frequent (but relevant) SBIR Insider editions.  So we will try to do that without wearing out any welcome I may have with you.  Consequently we hope to have another SBIR Insider for you in a week or so with a lot of good news including information about award winners and new generations of SBIR companies.