Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


We’re familiar with the idea of negotiating a salary, but negotiating for greater time and task diversity may be just as important for our emotional and professional fulfillment.

Not long ago, a successful executive—let’s call him Dr. DK—sought my advice on an issue of major life import. Approaching the age of 50, he found that his job as head of HR for a large European multinational had lost some of its savour. “I don’t know if I’m excited by this anymore,” he told me. “I do make money, but I cannot do another 20 years of this.” Dr. DK was considering abandoning his long-time company for a new love—executive coaching, for which he had just obtained certification. He had even picked up a few high-profile clients from his extensive personal network.