Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Tattooed shoulder to wrist, Neki Davis is sitting in the small, comfortable space that is her second home. Workers in white aprons and hair nets mill around while she settles down at a small work table/breakfast nook that's always crowded with something or other.

This is no hipster hangout—it's Davis's shared factory, where for a year and a half now, she’s been baking sheet after sheet of her Early Bird granola with the help of a handful of locals from the Brooklyn area. Here in the Red Hook neighborhood, behind the only colorful door on an otherwise drab, industrial drag, Davis spends her days working alongside two other female artisans: Betsy Devine, proprietor of Salvatore Bklyn, and Homa Dashtaki, the California transplant behind White Moustache yogurt.
