Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


About a month ago, I started my internship at Barring Eyewear, a Philadelphia-based startup that produces high-end affordable sunglasses from innovative materials. I first learned about Barring Eyewear when I pitched alongside its co-founder, Joseph Hwang LPS’15, for the Wharton Venture Initiation Program last fall. Dozens of startups pitched that day, but Barring Eyewear’s stood out to me because while most of the startups were still in the early development stage with little more than an idea and business plan, Barring Eyewear brought in its already manufactured product. A few weeks later at a Weiss Tech House networking event, I recognized Joe from his pitch and reached out to him for advice on my startup, Livedrop. Since then, Joe has acted as a mentor, guiding me through my first year of college as well as providing direction for Livedrop.
