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It’s hard being a woman — especially when it comes to seeking investment in your company.

Women-owned businesses accounted for 21 percent of the entrepreneurs that sought angel-investment capital in 2009, but only 9.4 percent of those females were successful in their quest, according to a report published by Jeffrey Sohl, director of the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire, earlier this year.

“Women entrepreneurs — I am not whining, it’s just a fact of life — we have a harder time raising money and (being) taken seriously from big money and technology companies than men do,” said Gervaise Wilhelm, president and CEO of St. Paul based medical technology company CloSys Corp.

To read the full, original article click on this link: ‘Sofia Angel Fund’ investing $1 million in startups run by, or targeting, women - Finance and Commerce

Author: Arundhati Parmar