Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Entrepreneurs have an incredible amount of passion. They’re inventors, researchers, programmers, scientists, and your “average joe” like you or me. What unites them is an intense desire to share their idea with the world. But just because they have an incredible idea, it doesn’t mean they are necessarily incredible at building a business. (And even if they have, every new business faces unique challenges.) That’s where mentors come in.

Image: From L to R: Brian Rahill (CourseStorm), Lisa Liberatore (Scratchpad Accelerator), Matt James (CourseStorm), Jason Harkins (Scratchpad Accelerator and Maine Business School), Spencer Wood (Tip Whip, LLC), Vincent Lewis (L&K Manufacturing), Jennifer Hooper (Scratchpad Accelerator and University of Maine), Sameer Pimpalkhute (Tip Whip, LLC), Andrew Katon (L&K Manufacturing), Matt Hodgkin (Blackstone Accelerates Growth Fellow and UMaine student). Missing: Dan Kerluke from Double Blue Sports Analytics