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inno-gen-book.jpgOut later this month from Boston entrepreneur Jennifer Floren is "The Innovation Generation: The Gen Y Way & How New Thinking Can Reclaim the American Dream." Floren is founder and CEO of Experience, a company that links students, colleges, and employers to help students and recent grads find fulfilling internships and jobs.

The book makes the case that more than ever, employers need to be clever about identifying and hiring the best entry-level talent. "A lot of companies don't do internships or hiring of students, or get their front-line people into the world of education as mentors, and that's a huge missed opportunity," Floren says. If they don't, as the Baby Boomers start to retire en masse, "that's going to put them at a competitive disadvantage," she says.

To read the full, original article click on this link: New book explores what happens when Gen Y hits the workplace - Innovation Economy -

Author: Scott Kirsner